Saturday, August 2, 2014

About Zodiac Sign: Cancer


June 22 - July 23  
Motto - I feel.
Keyword - Family.
Element - Water. Water represents imagination, human feelings and one's ability to love and sustain.
Quality - Cardinal (moveable) sign. Such signs are considered to be forceful, dynamic, initiating action and providing leadership.
Nature - Negative (introvert), passive, nocturnal, feminine. Negative signs are considered less communicative, but more receptive and more sensitive than the Positive signs. They prefer to draw upon personal resources to achieve their lives' goals and tend to be reserved, cautious and often retiring. They are sometimes termed "past-oriented" because it is believed negative signs tend to focus on the past and be more resistant to change than positive signs.
Temperament - Melancholic. Very kind and considerate, melancholics can be highly creative - as in poetry and art - but also can become overly pre-occupied with the tragedy and cruelty in the world, thus becoming depressed. Melancholics are often perfectionists. Also they tend to prefer to be alone and reflect upon different topics than to be around a cheerful, lively crowd.
Ruling Planet - The Moon. In Roman mythology the Moon was represented by Diana, the hunter goddess. The Moon is associated with a person's emotional make-up, unconscious habits, rhythms, memories and moods. It is also associated with the mother, maternal instincts or the urge to nurture, the home, and the past.
Positive Virtues - Sensitive, compassionate, delicate, thoughtful, responsible, deep, loyal
Negative Traits - Loneliness, closed, ratty, indecisive
Professions - Cancers are very artistic people that are most content when they can express all of their build-up emotions through painting, music, writing and the like. They often exhibit great talent in some artistic aspect. A Cancer often makes for one of the best painters, photographers, architects. Other possible choices are an historian, psychologist, designer and so on.
Specific Numbers - Planetary is 2. Zodiacal is 18. Happy numbers are 1, 2, 7 and 18. Personal year - 2.
Fateful Years - 8, 15, 22, 29, 36 and so on, between 7 years.
Critical Days - Physically are 9 and 20. Emotionally are 9 and 23. Intellectually are 4 and 20.
Day of the Week - Monday.
Season - Summer.
Plants - Cabbage, lettuce, cucumber, pumpkin, potatoes, turnip, watermelon
Food - Fish and sea food in general. Dairy products - all kinds of cheese and milk. Rice.
Fragrance - Lavender, orange.
Metal - Silver.
Specific Parts of the Body - The stomach, the breasts, the womb, the liver.
Color - White and the soft tones of blue and green.
Gemstone - Emerald, opal, moonstone.
Famous People Born Under Cancer - Princess Diana, Prince William, George W. Bush, Julius Caesar, Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela, Bill Cosby, Tom Hanks, Harrison Ford, Tom Cruise, Pamela Anderson, Liv Tyler, Ringo Starr, Ernest Hemingway, Rembrandt and many others.
Compatibility - Generally, Cancer is considered compatible with Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer itself. These signs share a "watery" demeanor and are believed to relate on that merit. There is also an excellent understanding and compatibility with the Taurus sign. Gemini make for good friends.
Love and Sex - Cancers are good lovers and partners but their love and sex relationships form slowly and hardly. The Cancers require constant and prolonged evidence for loyalty. They search for complete devotedness and to prove it you need not only words, but deeds as well. Only after you've proven them will they come out of their shell. Even after they've made a big step in one direction, they often go back and think it over. They become attached with difficulty but once they fall in love, they become completely devoted.
One of the most arousing things for a Cancer is the long kiss with the use of the tongue and teeth. The most sensitive zone for both genders is the breasts - they react very quickly to both oral and hand stimulation. The gentle touch of a Cancers breasts even after the foreplay significantly increases their pleasure.
Other Zodiacs

Celtic Zodiac - The Oak. Oak individuals are enterprising people with a refreshing breadth of vision. They are determined, self-motivated, enthusiastic and responsible. Possessed with a high degree of personal magnetism, Oaks make for natural leaders with a great deal of integrity and find it easy to attract and inspire others. They hold justice in high regard and are often sickened by the injustice in the world. They are also somewhat naive.
Egyptian Zodiac - Phoenix, the bird of life and resurrection. Those born under this sign can create possibilities from scratch. They are flexible and optimistic and their greatest strength is the power to inspire optimism into others. Their weaknesses are that they are solitary, dreamy and unrealistic.
Complete Information About the Sign - How often do you look up in the sky and examine the Moon? Have you noticed how every time it seems different - sometimes it seems as if it's laughing while the next time it might seem shrouded in mystery and melancholia. Even the Earth is within its power as it governs the high and low tides. It is certain even we have felt ourselves under the influence of this mysterious entity. And most of us are not even from the Cancer sign. Now imagine what it is to be one of them - born under the strong influence of the Moon which will protect them until the end of their days.

Cancer is the most mysterious and unique sign of the zodiac. Sadly, there is no invented compass that can orient you through the soul labyrinth of these interesting people.

If there's one word which describes the Cancer, it would be intuition. It is intuition that helps these people to understand where they are and what is going on around them. Cancers have a perfect sense of judgment and even if their approach is a chaotic cloud of intuition and sensitivity, the conclusions they come to are often more accurate than those of the pragmatic realistic persons.
Cancers are exceptionally rich on the inside people. The Cancer is an introvert - he carries his identity, emotions and beliefs deep inside himself. It is hard for him to open up in front of others and he is often reserved, timid and shy. Even Cancers that talk much, giggle stupidly and jump from one topic to another and seem shallow to you most often just hide their true face inside themselves. This is the mask with which they try to keep away strangers from their deep inside world.

Why? Well, just accept it - this is inmost for a Cancer. Very few are the lucky people that can boast they've seen the deepest corners of a Cancer's soul. And it is in these corners that you'll find the most meaning, sensitivity and warmness in the entire world. But don't think that if you've reached this innermost world, you have won a Cancer's love or trust. Sometimes it is possible that you have won a Cancer's heart, but they would not let you to the treasury of their inner self. And they will not let you in the future... until you've earned it.

Cancers do not build walls between themselves and you (or at least not on purpose) but they will not help you in any way to destroy the already existing ones. It looks as if they do not search for friendship. They may desperately need it actually, but could look so indifferent and discourage you completely. But why do they look indifferent? Maybe because they are very insecure in themselves and think that they do not deserve your attention or maybe because they need you to prove to them how much they matter (by destroying the aforementioned wall for example).

Actually this is a very crafty hack. A Cancer does not go hunting for friends, so all their friends would have came by themselves by tiresomely digging a tunnel to the Cancer's heart. That automatically shows how much the Cancer is worth to their friends and how true and faithful the friends are. On his side however, a Cancer is totally devoted to the people he trusts and whom he calls friends. Cancer is indisputably the most loyal and trustworthy sign in the zodiac. Actually there is another word that can describe a Cancer completely and that would be "faithfulness".

You have seen how real crabs walk, haven't you? Leave something tasty in front of them and watch. The first thing they'll do is make a step backwards. For them that is the most logical move. In the next moment they start walking around it strangely and in the second you decide this apparently doesn't interest them and reach out to take it back they rush towards it and grab it. And they grab it hard, too!

If they like you and let you near them, Cancers get attached strongly. Actually, they get attached to anything theirs - old love letters, dried make-up, old bottle caps and whatever else that comes to mind. And I advise you to be proud of being a part of their collection. It's something worth being proud of.

In any case, until you learn to understand a Cancer, you should leave your own logic back home - you won't need it. Or find another Cancer with whom you are already close and make him translate their special emotional language for you. You'll find out quick - they are very sweet beings and it's either meant for you to learn their language or it's meant for you to give up. It all depends on you - they can't do anything about it.

A Cancer girl I know once told me the story of how a boyfriend of hers couldn't understand if she liked him at all or not. He freaked out one day and just straight up asked her "You don't give any signals! Do you like me or not?" Do you know what her answer was? "Well I'm going out with you aren't I?"

That's what Cancers are like. Don't expect signals which you can translate yourself. Even if you receive some, they'll most probably be all backwards. Remember what did the crab do when you gave it something delicious? If you make them an expensive present they'll most like say "You shouldn't have!" and they'll mean it. It's surprising at first but then you get used to it. What can you do about them - they're people from the Moon!

Even when they need assistance they will probably not tell you and even if you decide to help them, they'll most likely feel as an inconvenience. It's hard for Cancers to let someone else take care of them and they prefer not to cause you any discomfort. At the same time they're ready to help and assist anyone. You can always cry on a Cancer's shoulder and he'll listen and calm you at any time. He won't spill a word to anyone else of your misfortunes or secrets too. He won't take you as weak but will try give you an advice and support you in any way. They feel truly happy when they can be of help but they can share their own problems only to their most closed ones.

Remember, the Moon shines because it reflects the rays of the sun. Similarly, Cancers with their sensitivity often reflect the moods of their friends and loved ones. They'll tell you the thing you want to hear, they'll give you the advice you seek. A Cancer friend of mine once encouraged me to not give up on something really close to me. She told me exactly what I needed to hear unlike my other friends who couldn't truly understand me and just kept repeating those same rational advices.

It's inexplicably hard to reach to them - their innermost world hidden deep inside them. Really, it is inhumanly hard. But if you do, it will deserve every bit of effort and strain. There is no friend more loyal, devoted and trustworthy than a Cancer.

One day I looked more closely into a girl Cancer and in her I saw one of the few people without whom a person's life would be completely void. We were so distant back then and it took years for us to get close. But I don't regret a single second of all the time I spent and continue to spend with her. Her everlasting caring, her gentle sensitivity, her sweet shyness... and because she made me remember something I had forgotten along the way of my dull life... The belief in the beauty of people. That beauty which is called kindness and which makes us all kind and good... and much more beautiful than that which we see inside the mirror.

A Cancer is exceptionally hurtable. On the inside. The words which most people let pass by their ears often sticks deep inside a Cancer. They quickly forgive the insults, but they remember the wounds inside. They don't like the mockery or critique that involves mockery - they are very offended by such things. When you communicate with a Cancer you have to keep in mind this gentleness of theirs.

The Cancer is caring - he loves his family, his pets, his children, parents, friends. The motherly instinct is very strong in this sign, even in men. Home and comfort are very important things for them. They absolutely need someone to love them, protect them and care for them - they can't live without love. They don't like one-night stands or short lived relationships. If a Cancer tells you how good he feels to be each month with a different girl or if a woman Cancer proclaims she doesn't know how to cook and doesn't want to do anything with babies, just don't believe them. Translated from their language all this should mean one thing: "I haven't found the love of my life! I'm afraid! Is it possible that it doesn't exist!"
Cancers search and offer obsessive love - if you can't devote yourself completely to a person like them, don't start at all. A Cancer is devoted and will stay with you even if you are poor and homeless or an alcoholic. All he needs is to be protected and loved. But if he isn't, it is possible in time that he'll crawl back in his shell, miserable and unfulfilled. Remember that a Cancer reflects the light of others. The more love you give, the more love you are going to receive from him.

A Cancer despises the dryness in life, the meaningless existence and the injustice. He needs flowers, caring, warmness and colorful dreams. He hates the coldness of a person, the insolence of some and the meddling in his personal life. They adore water (of course) and you can often find them near a lake or the sea. They are sometimes suddenly prone to outbursts of an explosive power that can destroy any obstacles in their life.
There is no point to criticize them or scold them. Chances are they have already realized their mistakes and will severely punish themselves on the inside, more so than you can ever imagine. If you start scolding them, you will only hurt them more. A Cancer is diligent in everything he does, anyways. It may be hard to get a promise out of a Cancer but if you do - consider it done.

From the striving for perfection, Cancers often do unnecessary steps towards their goals, instead of stopping, analyzing the situation and do a rational decision. But that is natural for them - their emotions are always before their reason. It is often that they'll seem unnaturally unfitting in our world.

It is hard for the male Cancer to fit in the skin of such a feminine and emotional sign. But that makes them interesting and attractive for many women. A male Cancer is a dreamer with a mysterious charm and have an enigmatic feeling to him which makes him a viable target for any woman. He is steady, a loyal friend and a very intelligent and enjoyable person to talk to. However, he can be irritable and he likes to be alone at times which can be a problem for some extroverted friends and partners. Don't act shallowly with him.
It isn't impossible for a male Cancer to be a little flirty but he is still very loyal and faithful to his loved one. He is just a gallant charmer and likes the company of pretty girls, especially if they are impressed by him. If you are his girl however, he can be a little possessive at times. He requires devotion and will continuously make you prove to him that you have it. That may seem as a bother, especially for the ladies from nowadays, but if it's not a problem for you, he will be absolutely happy and content.

The male Cancer likes to speak and expects somebody to listen. He values his friends highly and seeks for long and meaningful friendships.

The female Cancers are the most fragile and gentle beings in existence. This is the girl in white from the dreams you had when you were a small boy. The girl in white that you are always ready to fight for against the big bully, even if he's double your size. Is there going to come a day when you'll understand why were you so obsessed with her? Maybe not. But you will always look back and remember how you felt every time you saw her face.

In any case, if you are the love of her life then she will do anything she can to make you the happiest man on the planet. Given, that you do the same for her, of course.

She'll appear a bit sad sometimes, at others pensive (no, she's not mad at you!) and sooner or later she'll be happy and cheerful again. She may be prone to mood swings, but that simply means that if you make a little effort, you can make her feel better every time she looks blue.

Actually, it is strange to write about a woman Cancer, since even when they are adults they somehow always stay little girls on the inside, which is an invaluable part of their inescapable charm. This moon lady loves to walk by the see, to look up to the stars, to run on the beach and to go back to her mother's house simply for the joy of looking her old room. She probably won't have the guts to make a blog, but she surely has a secret diary or something similar, hidden somewhere in her room.

The Moon awakes all her secret dreams and the water releases all of her passions. To invite her for a stroll on the beach late at night would be the best idea you have ever had. In a moment like that, she will be forced to throw away the shyness that is stopping her and jump right at you. Of course, she will do this only if you love her truly and endlessly. If you do, then you're in great luck.

She will never make the first step. You have to be the one who makes it, otherwise forget about it. That being said, imagine two Cancers that want to be together. What they will do is both of them will start stepping backwards, instead of making a step forward to the other. Hypothetically, it may be possible that they'll meet on the other side of the globe. After years of walking backwards, that is.

The fears of the moon girl may drive you to ruins (and they may drive her to absolute annihilation). There's no way of convincing her that she's beautiful enough, intelligent enough or youthful enough. The only way to make sure she'll believe what you're saying is to repeat it about a 20 times a day. Chances are, by the time of your wedding you will have at least a 5% chance of convincing her.

It is awfully unjust to play with the heart of such a girl because she listens to you, respects you and loves you truly and faithfully. If you've decided that you want to share your life with her, then do it. But forever. You can't play with her feelings because if she has agreed to share her life with you, she has not done it thoughtlessly. Let her own you, like an object of great importance. Believe me, you will not regret it. You won't be just an object for her. You'll be the most important being in the world. Period.

A Cancer is a perfect lover in bed. They may be shy, but when it comes down to sexual life, if you two share a strong bond and love each other completely, then you will feel some of the greatest experiences in your life.
You have everything you need to be very happy with a female Cancer. The hardest thing is to keep her from crawling back in her shell. You can spend years trying to get her out of there and only minutes to make her go back. You must always be ready to calm her down, offer your support, protect her or make her a baby. You may think that this applies to any woman anyways, but you should've understood it by now - this woman you will not forget easily.

And you should always carry handkerchiefs with you. These ladies cry a lot, believe me!
Both male and female Cancers are hard partners due to their sensitivity. Often they are absurdly emotional and you will notice how they are tapping nervously with their foot on the ground. A Cancer isn't for just anyone. You need to love truly and devote yourself to them. You have to have a rich spirit and a good heart.
Pay much attention to your little crab. It is a true treasure which timidly looks out of its shell and waits for you to give it your hand and help it come out of there.

The life of the Cancer is somehow divided into two stages. The happiness and success is meant for the second stage. The first stage they use for search for themselves, for their loved one or for perfection. They can choose whether they grow up when they are 20, or 25, or 30, or at any other given time during which they will run, laugh, cry, dream and fight. And even if they have a little pessimistic view on the world, life will still give them happiness, success and joy. Because they deserve it the most.

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